Said By Jennova
Happy birthday Tweaky! I hope you get loads of presents and oral sex!
Said By Samurai Kai
Happy birthday Tweak. I regret I am not able to tell you in person and give you a suitable gift...
Said By JaegoLooLoo
How do you know this?!
Said By Pancakes
d00d i'd 5t41]{ tw34|<, 5h3'5 h4wt
Said By Dr. Nick Rivera
Although she lives an entire country away from me.
Said By Tweak The Uber Bitch
I do? Really? Where the fuck was I when we seceded?!
I don't know what the fuck that says,,,,,,,nice job!
Said By Dr. Nick Rivera
"Dude, I'd stalk Tweak, she's hot"
Said By Pancakes
d00d i'd 5t41]{ tw34|<, 5h3'5 h4wt