IBM Cloud Computing CTO to Keynote CloudSlam'10(TM) Conference

March 8, 2010

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IBM Cloud Computing CTO to Keynote CloudSlam'10(TM) Conference

Company is Named Exclusive Diamond Collaborator for Conference March 23 - March 25 2010

TORONTO, March 8 -- CloudSlam'10(TM), a virtual conference developed to promote collaborative analysis of the latest trends and challenges in the world of Cloud Computing, will commence on March 23. CloudSlam'10(TM) is organized by leading experts and authorities in the Cloud Computing industry and backed up by the world's largest Cloud Computing community. Key topics will include Cloud Standards, Security, Transition Strategies, Compliance & Impact of Cloud Computing on the Global Economy. Attendees will hear breaking news, views & opinions which are exclusive to CloudSlam'10(TM).

CloudSlam'10(TM) gives industry leaders' and professionals' keen insights into published research, unique and evolving ideas and best practices, as well as an opportunity to network with leading experts within the Cloud Computing industry. The conference is designed to be a thought leadership platform for Business, Government and Academia. It's also an ideal opportunity for corporate leaders to glean information on the latest innovations in Cloud Computing, generate new contacts and develop ideas on how to capitalize on what's estimated to eventually become a $100 billion dollar market.

The CloudSlam'10(TM) speaker line-up will highlight new players in the Cloud Computing arena, as well as established players like IBM, who has been selected to be the Exclusive Diamond Collaborator for CloudSlam'10(TM). Dr. Kristof Kloeckner, CTO Enterprise Initiatives and Vice President Cloud Platforms, IBM Corporation, will present the Day One Headline Keynote address at the CloudSlam'10(TM) virtual event.

Drawing on experience of working with IBM customers and IBM's internal cloud deployments, Dr. Kloeckner will review the conditions under which Cloud Computing can deliver its promise of cost reductions, delivery efficiency, flexibility and agility, as well as share insights around customer adoption based on careful selection of workloads and appropriate deployment models.

In addition, IBM senior software engineer Doug Tidwell will discuss the need for and status around cloud computing standards.

  IBM Primary Keynote Sessions:

  --  "Headline Keynote Presentation" - Presented on March 23rd @ 13.30(pm)

  --  "Headline panel Discussion" - Presented on March 23rd @ 16.00(pm) EDT.

  --  "Headline Expert Session" - Presented on March 24th @ 13.30(pm) EDT.

  --  "Headline Case Study Session" - Presented on March 25th @ 14.45(pm)

Commenting on the announcement today, CloudSlam'10(TM) Chairman - Khazret Sapenov said, "We are truly delighted to have IBM join this year's proceedings as our Headline collaborator for the event. IBM brings a wealth of expertise and know-how which we are certain will educate our event delegates, Cloud Computing group community members, as well as the Global audiences tuning in worldwide."

CloudSlam'10(TM) - Produced by Cloudcor, Inc.(TM), is the premier Cloud Computing event. As an affordable way for industry leaders to exchange ideas and experiences, CloudSlam'10(TM) opens new horizons of cloud computing and serves as a springboard to success. CloudSlam'10(TM) will take place March 23-25 2010 -Online. For more information, contact Khazret Sapenov at or visit

  Khazret Sapenov

Source: Cloudcor, Inc.

CONTACT:  Khazret Sapenov, +1-416-417-6348,

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