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Thermaltake makes some excellent cooling and power supply products, as well as cases and modding supplies. I have used my <a href="">PurePower 480W PSU</a> since I have reviewed it and have not had a single problem. Thermaltake also makes generic additions to add some flair to your case. The Xray combines a cigarette lighter and a cup holder that fits into your 5.25" drive bay. I am reminded of the time my good friend RudeMoody commented on the <a href="">Steelpad QcK+</a>, 'POINTLESS'. Yes, it is just that.
This is the packaging. When I first went to buy this, I actually thought I was buying the cool-looking LCD screen thing at the top. Later, when I inspected it more closely, I noticed it was... a cup holder. I still bought it because it's a funny product and at LEAST worth a page of writing.
<B>The Concept</B>:
These days, the case and modding manufacturers would have you believe that a computer is all about FORM over function. This is the wrong idea, and this type of product takes it to the extreme. Why would you need to have things that normally you would only find in a car installed in your computer? Simple: because the modding companies seemed to have brainwashed the general public into thinking it's a super-cool thing to do. Now everyone is trying to 'Pimp My Case!' I'll go into more on that in a second.
<B>The Parts</B>:
We have a 5.25" bay component that screws into the case to provide two things: the first is a drink holder. Let me just show you my drink holder right here...
That's right! I actually use a DESK while I'm working at my computer. The funny thing is, a desk works perfectly to place a drink on. The other thing that struck me is that all of my computers are situated below the desk and are not reachable without some serious bending. I'm pretty lazy and I'm not getting off my chair to get my drink. Sitting it on the desk is fine. The other thing that bothers me is that the unit has a cigarette lighter. I know of a few friends who do still smoke. Most of them do not smoke near a computer and have a lighter on them at all times. Think about a car cigarette lighter. When you light a cigarette, the tip of it gets onto the lighter and the next time you heat it up, the smell funks up the air. I refuse to let anyone use my cigarette lighter in my car. Why the heck would you want your computer to smell like that?
Anyway, the drink holder itself is sturdy. It holds as much as it can fit. Yet, here is another accident waiting to happen. Unpurified water + computer components = bad. Condensation will occur when you have a nice, cold drink. Think of a beer at a baseball game, or a nice Diet Pepsi anytime. Water droplets form on the outside of the container because when the water vapor hits the cold surface, heat gets transferred to the container and the vapor turns into a liquid. If you leave your drink in the cup holder for an extended amount of time, condensation will build up and if you slam the cup holder back in, water droplets may get dispersed in your case. Does this sound like a good idea to you? Didn't think so. Brilliant product, huh? Oh, and remember that you already have a cup holder in your computer.
Just open the CD drive.
Look at the fuse that the lighter takes. This should tell you that this is a dangerous thing to put in a computer that has tolerances for the real components. The lighter did work as expected: it gets red hot.
After reading my review, I believe you know what I'm going to recommend... not getting this product. Do not consider buying it. There is no point to having something that could potentially cause damage to your system and create another heat source. Thermaltake makes some nice accessories for <a href="">cases</a>, but this sure isn't one of them.
Thermaltake makes some excellent cooling and power supply products, as well as cases and modding supplies. I have used my <a href="">PurePower 480W PSU</a> since I have reviewed it and have not had a single problem. Thermaltake also makes generic additions to add some flair to your case. The Xray combines a cigarette lighter and a cup holder that fits into your 5.25" drive bay. I am reminded of the time my good friend RudeMoody commented on the <a href="">Steelpad QcK+</a>, 'POINTLESS'. Yes, it is just that.

This is the packaging. When I first went to buy this, I actually thought I was buying the cool-looking LCD screen thing at the top. Later, when I inspected it more closely, I noticed it was... a cup holder. I still bought it because it's a funny product and at LEAST worth a page of writing.
<B>The Concept</B>:
These days, the case and modding manufacturers would have you believe that a computer is all about FORM over function. This is the wrong idea, and this type of product takes it to the extreme. Why would you need to have things that normally you would only find in a car installed in your computer? Simple: because the modding companies seemed to have brainwashed the general public into thinking it's a super-cool thing to do. Now everyone is trying to 'Pimp My Case!' I'll go into more on that in a second.
<B>The Parts</B>:

We have a 5.25" bay component that screws into the case to provide two things: the first is a drink holder. Let me just show you my drink holder right here...

That's right! I actually use a DESK while I'm working at my computer. The funny thing is, a desk works perfectly to place a drink on. The other thing that struck me is that all of my computers are situated below the desk and are not reachable without some serious bending. I'm pretty lazy and I'm not getting off my chair to get my drink. Sitting it on the desk is fine. The other thing that bothers me is that the unit has a cigarette lighter. I know of a few friends who do still smoke. Most of them do not smoke near a computer and have a lighter on them at all times. Think about a car cigarette lighter. When you light a cigarette, the tip of it gets onto the lighter and the next time you heat it up, the smell funks up the air. I refuse to let anyone use my cigarette lighter in my car. Why the heck would you want your computer to smell like that?

Anyway, the drink holder itself is sturdy. It holds as much as it can fit. Yet, here is another accident waiting to happen. Unpurified water + computer components = bad. Condensation will occur when you have a nice, cold drink. Think of a beer at a baseball game, or a nice Diet Pepsi anytime. Water droplets form on the outside of the container because when the water vapor hits the cold surface, heat gets transferred to the container and the vapor turns into a liquid. If you leave your drink in the cup holder for an extended amount of time, condensation will build up and if you slam the cup holder back in, water droplets may get dispersed in your case. Does this sound like a good idea to you? Didn't think so. Brilliant product, huh? Oh, and remember that you already have a cup holder in your computer.
Just open the CD drive.

Look at the fuse that the lighter takes. This should tell you that this is a dangerous thing to put in a computer that has tolerances for the real components. The lighter did work as expected: it gets red hot.

After reading my review, I believe you know what I'm going to recommend... not getting this product. Do not consider buying it. There is no point to having something that could potentially cause damage to your system and create another heat source. Thermaltake makes some nice accessories for <a href="">cases</a>, but this sure isn't one of them.